Sunday, February 27, 2005

Proverbs 4:23

In his "Introduction" to the Philosophia Reformata volume celebrating the work of his brother-in-law, D H Th Vollenhoven, Dooyeweerd makes reference to Proverbs 4:23 "Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the issues of life." But he does so - either consciously or unconsciously - by directing his readers to the fact that this much quoted scriipture text is endorsed by the view present in the musings of "Kohelet". Dooyeweerd writes:
"The Scriptures teach us throughout that human nature has been provided with a root-unity pregnantly called the 'heart' of human existence. Out of the heart as the radix or root-unity of human existence are "the issues of life" as the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes tells us expressly." "Introduction by the Editor in Chief, Prof Herman Dooyeweerd" Philosophia Reformata 38e jrg 1973 pp.5-16 at page 9.

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