Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New Critique II, p. 307 (1955) (Gen, Jos, Deut; Heb 12:2)

New Critique II, p. 307 (1955)

The independent line of development of a revalatio particularis which was no longer universal, did not start before Abraham. Presently the people of Israel was to be the provisional bearer of this special revelation. Israel, which was to bring forth the redeemer, was separated from the other nations because of the t[h?]reatening general apostasy from Word-revelation, until the Word appeared in the flesh[1].
In the Word-revelation God addresses the human race in its religious root, and man has only to listen faithfully. As this Word-revelation was originlly a revelation to a community, and not to individuals, its adressee was not each inividual believer apart, but mankind in community with its first head Adam. The function of faith can likewise again be truly directed to God only in Christ, as the Head and root of the regenerate human race. But now in such a way that only Christ is the Finisher and the Subject of the Covenant of faith (Hebr. 12:2). Only in faithfully listening to the divine Word is the true meaning of God's reveltion in 'created nature' revealed to man.

[1] Gen. 14:18-20; 20:3 ff; 21:22 ff; 23;6; 24: -50 [sic]; 26:19; 40:8 etc.
Jos. 24:2, 14, 14; Deut. 26:5 etc. see also BAVINCK's exposition in his Philosophy of Revelation (1908), pp. 161 ff.

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