Tuesday, March 01, 2005

New Critique II, p. 418 (1955) allusion to 1 Cor 12:12ff

New Critique II, p.418 (1955)

In Christ, the root of the reborn creation, the transcendent fulness of its individuality has been saved. The 'corpu Christianum' in its radical religious sense is not a colourless conceptual abstraction without any individuality. Rather it is, according to the striking metaphor used by St PAUL, a religious organism in which the individuality of its members is ultimately revealed in all its fulness and spleandor. Individuality, in other words, is rooted in the religious centre of or temporal world: all temporal individuality can only be an expression of the fulness of individuality inherent in this centre. However, obfuscated by sin, it springs from the religious root. If the modalities of meaning are temporal refractions of the religious fulness of meaning, then the fulness of individuality must also be refracted prismatically within the modal aspects, and temporal individuality must be diversified in all the meaning-modalities.

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